
So, the last couple of days at school have been interesting. The high school has been having their sports day, where all of the classes compete against each other in relay races and tug of war and things like that. But since our high school has like 2200 kids, there isn't nearly enough space at the school to have it there. I don't think that all the kids can even fit on the field at the same time, which could be a problem during an earthquake or other emergency. Anyway, what they did was rent a stadium for two days out in the middle of nowhere. Sounds pretty extravagant, but I didn't go out there so for all I know it's a really crap stadium. So for two days, all of the high school students were at this stadium, which was like an hour north of the school. Leaving the entire campus to us, the 135 students of the junior high. It really felt like one of those post-apocalyptic movies where almost everyone died except for a lucky few who were in movie theaters or something. But it was nice for the students to actually be able to use the field and the gym like students at a normal school for once, although it was so spacious that they didn't know what to do with it.

Pretty much all content on this page was created by Donkeymon. Probably not all of it, but most of it. Thank you for looking at it. I guess you shouldn't steal it, unless I stole it in the first place. But really I don't see what the big deal is.